2024 West Monroe Main Street Facade Incentive Grant Program

The West Monroe Main Street Façade Incentive Grant Program is funded and administered by the Downtown West Monroe Revitalization Group (DWMRG).
Monies are available for exterior improvements only, and may be applied to the front, side or rear of the façade, provided the façade faces a public street or parking area.
A maximum of $10,000 per grant is available with DWMRG paying up to 50% of invoiced price.
What projects qualify for a façade grant?
- New paint applied to existing painted exterior walls
- Replacements or additions of awnings to façade
- Door and window improvements
- Replacement or improvement of existing signs
- New façade applications to damaged exterior walls
- Renovations which compliment the historic characteristics of building
- Replacement of or uncovering of architectural features of building (example, removing glass/mirror to uncover original brick façade)
- Property must be income producing
Grant Application Must Include:
- Contractor's cost estimate or bid on contractor's letterhead
- Letter of consent from property owner if applicant is tenant
- Photograph of existing building
- Rendering/sketch of proposed project or photo with notations describing work
- List of materials being used, including paint color, awning fabric/color, etc.
Note: the above listed items must be uploaded using the part 2 file upload link below for the application to be considered complete.
Grant Information
- Funding is available for businesses located in Downtown district only. See Map: (SEE MAP in Reference Below)
- All funding must be approved prior to starting any work on the building.
- The City of West Monroe Historic Preservation Commission (if applicable) may need to review project before work begins.
- Grant money will be paid upon completion of the project, once proper documentation has been submitted using online form. All items on grant application must be completed for money to be dispersed.
- After inspection of the property, checks will be issued within 30 days.
- DWMRG reserves the right to reduce amount of matching funds.
- Paint colors, awning fabric/color, sign concepts and improvements must be submitted to the Historic Preservation Commission. See pre-approved list of colors. (See List in References Below)
- Signage size, color and shape design must be submitted and approved by the Historic Preservation Commission. All signage must comply with any City of West Monroe sign ordinances.
- Planned improvements should preserve the integrity of the building and restore, when possible, the historic appearance of the façade.
- Projects must be completed within the allowed window of DWMRG approval.
- Submissions due June 30 for use from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.